Adam Block

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Adam Block
Email: ablock[at]
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About Me

I am a fifth year PhD student in the math department at MIT. I also have affiliations in the Laboratory for Information & Decisions Systems and the Statistics and Data Science Center. I am extremely fortunate to be advised by Alexander (Sasha) Rakhlin. I have also been lucky enough to work with Dylan Foster, Akshay Krishnamurthy, and Cyril Zhang at Microsoft Research New York in the summer of 2023 as well as Rahul Kidambi at Amazon Science in the summer of 2021. I am supported by an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. Prior to starting graduate school, I was at Columbia University, studying mathematics and working with Daniel Litt.

In July, I will start as a postdoc at Microsoft Research for one year, before joining the Department of Computer Science at Columbia University in July of 2025.

My research is in machine learning, where I work to bridge theory and practice by designing algorithms with provable guarantees. I am particularly interested in designing computationally efficient algorithms that can be used in interactive settings, where data may have complicated dependence structures and proving that these algorithms perform well under realistic assumptions. For more detail, see my papers.